Love Your Body Institute Events

Communication for Healing Webinar

Classes and workshops on using natural therapies to encourage your body to heal.

Four Webinar Sessions: February 5, 12, 19, 26

Wednesday Evenings, 5:30 p.m. PST

Presenter: Barry Taylor, ND

Participants will learn the value of spoken and unspoken communication, how to become an empowered listener and how to be more present and aware when listening to others.

Focused topics will include how to acknowledge possibility vs resignation when speaking, as well as the power of conversation and how to speak and listen from a place of integrity and accountability.

Emphasis will be placed on how healthcare practitioners can incorporate these skills in clinic and practice.

Webinar Registration

General Registration: $ 347, early bird special–$497 by Dec 28, 2014
Family Rate: Save $ 50 per person off general registration if registered with family member
Students: $197

registerGeneral Registration: $347 early bird, register by Dec. 28; $497 after Dec. 18

registerFamily Rate: $297 early bird, register by Dec. 18; $397 after Dec. 18

registerStudents: $197

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