
2014 Love Your Body Workshop


Use coupon code earlybird before January 27th and get $50 off each ticket!

Once you purchase your ticket to the Love Your Body Workshop you will be emailed a confirmation and instructions to fill out an online questionnaire for your Love Your Body experience.

If you have never been a patient or have not been in for a consultation within the last 6 months, please schedule an evaluation with Dr. Barry before the event. As a special offer for our time to evaluate you to get the best results in your LYB workshop, click here to purchase the LYB workshop and additional $100 evaluation as a package.



When: 4 Wednesday Evenings
February 5th – 26th
Time: 7:15 – 9:45pm
Where: 270 Winter St., Weston, Massachusetts

For more information, see the Love Your Body Workshop page.