| January 23, 2014The search for youthful skin suggests one of our favorite indulgences is a culprit.
Can our skin be negatively effected from eating sugar similar to being in the sun and tobacco exposure ?
New research suggests that sugar interrupts “GLYCATION” which results in the sugar eating up protein and fats in the cells
The collagen, think the the glue that holds our cells together, gets flimsy and less sturdy and our skin can look more wrinkled and sag.
Tips for your skin to look more radiant and youthful:
1. Drink more healthy optimal water
2. Read labels and eliminate processed sugars as much as possible; eat dark chocolate as a replacement if you must.
3. Eat more fruit Click Here to learn about a healthy fruit drink
4. Use coconut oil on your skin
5. Eat healthy snacks which will support you to not crave sugar. Click here for a sugar free strawberry-bannana protein drink
6. Click here if you need nutritional support to decrease sugar cravings
Click here and then click on the bottle to read a formula designed especially for skin elasticity and youthfulness
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