12 Nutrition Tips for Holiday Excess
| December 29, 20141. Give up the notion of cheating and guilt. Enjoy the sensual process of your taste buds!
2. Bless what you eat. Eat with awareness directing the energy of everything you eat to be used for your health on all levels serving everyone.
3. Slow down. Drink your food and chew your liquids.
4. Eat a healthy high protein breakfast.
5. Hydrate. We tend to drink less when it is cold out. Focus on good healthy contaminant free water. This is helpful for everyone and especially if you drink more alcohol this time of year.
6. Use digestive enzymes after eating. Use 1TB of apple cider vinegar before eating. If you are eating either more food or celebrating and ingesting food that you do not normally, you need support breaking down the food.
7. Increase your Vitamin B & C intake. While the season is full of fun, connection, and the holiday spirit, statistics show people handle stress poorly because of increased demands.
8. Cinnamon is a spice that has positive effects on blood sugar regulation. Use it liberally.
9. Snack before you go to holiday parties. Have a protein shake or apple with almond butter or carrots and humus so when you go to eat your meal, you will be less hungry and it will be easier to make better choices because you will not be so hungry.
10. Live by your word. Tell someone who knows how to listen to a commitment, what your intention is related to how much sugar and alcohol you will have ingest when you go out.
11. Remind yourself celebrating is about connecting with those you love and not about numbing your self by overindulgence.
12. Exercise Exercise Exercise – no matter what enzymes, vitamins, and herbs you take, burning calories, sweating, and having fun breathing oxygen in and carbon dioxide out is important to help your body discharge tension as well as support your body to function at it best.