Life As An Agent Of Change
| October 30, 2013So much of our life is spent living in our identity as a consumer. We consume and use air, food, water, other people’s energy, material matter of all kinds from clothes to books, to appliances and machines, cosmetics, etc . Recycling energy and things is a new concept to really track where things go when we throw things away. As Julia Butterfly Hill poignantly asks ” Where is away?”
Being a citizen means some part of your value system allows you to see yourself as part of a greater reality. You are moved you to act and live in ways that show the world what is important to you; your values. You naturally give back and contribute in a manner that fulfills and inspires you in ways you feel deeply in your own intimate heart space. What you give i.e. your professional skills, your time, your energy and creativity is up to you. That you dedicate some of your time, your thoughts and your perspectives to a cause that you believe in can be an important, valuable and relevant part of your healing/healthy life (style). The joy of contributing and being philanthropic is beyond giving money. Life as a change agent is about you giving yourself in partnership with communities that touch your core values.
Here are some suggestions of how to contribute in your community:
- volunteering a few hours every month with senior citizens in a local nursing home,
- volunteering at any hospital or hospice,
- becoming a mentor to a child or teenager i.e. Big Brother or Big Sister program,
- serving the homeless in shelters,
- assist at any animal shelter
- supporting anyone whose dream for a better life you can assist,
- become active in your local government or community, or
- church or temple.
You can enjoy any one of these satisfying experiences either alone or as part of a “FAMILY COMMUNITY DAY” with your kids.
Whatever it may be for you, by making your feelings and most important values known to others, you shape the world for future generations. Your ideas are more important than you may realize. The more that all of us do this, the more we will develop a world which we can all be proud and just importantly, you will be more satisfied and experience your life more with more appreciation and sense of connectedness.
Each of us has a network and sphere of influence, a circle of friends and acquaintances that need to hear our message or feel the energy we offer. It does not matter whether you choose to do something small or great. What matters is you are including yourself in the process and discourse of life evolving, not just your personal gain. If we all invest our own unique “something”, the effect will be a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life for all!