Tony Robbins Interview
| December 30, 2014What pulls you in life to manifest your mission?
Do you have a mission that guides you?
Tony Robbins masterly coaches people how to be the best person each of us can be.
Listen to this wonderful interview about
1. how to keep our energy up
2. how to maintain focus
3. how to give our brain a rest
4. how to deal with our fears
5. how to deal with slumps
6. what we need to know about the myths about money that most of us are blind to
Click here to watch.
“Life comes down to what you desire the most and what you fear the most.”
“When you change your beliefs, you change everything.”
“The best performers focus on outcomes, not activities.”
“How to leverage? Empower people to know what and why, allow others to figure out how.”
“The most important element of any human that separates their level of success is hunger.”
“Emotional Intelligence is not as important as Emotional Fitness i.e., being ready.”
“Choose I am doing this over I know this.”
– Tony Robbins