Functional Medicine

Aware Show interview with Lisa Garr
| September 15, 2011A Naturopathic comprehensive exploration how alternative medicine is morphing into Integrative Medicine/Complementary Medicine which creates optimal health results using Functional Medicine. Tips on Detoxing and using Transformation theory as a tool for health and healing.
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Why You Should See a Functional Medicine Practitioner This Year
| January 28, 2019By Barry Taylor, ND We live in a culture where the predominant medical system is reactive to our bodies’ breakdowns. When people turn to functional medicine practitioners and naturopathic doctors, often there’s something wrong that needs to be fixed now. People are often frustrated with the lack of explanation and results they’ve gotten with traditional medicine. Preventive medicine is rarely the focus of new patient visits. Few people come into my practice feeling great or wanting to learn how they can continue to feel great ten years from now. However, at the start of the new year, better health and lifestyle choices, more people are interested in taking an inventory of their health and may visit a functional medicine
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Intro to Functional Medicine – Ken Cail
| August 26, 2019A Naturopathic comprehensive exploration how alternative medicine is morphing into Integrative Medicine/Complementary Medicine which creates optimal health results using Functional Medicine. Tips on Detoxing and using Transformation theory as a tool for health and healing.
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On Mic · Jordan Rich with Dr. Barry Taylor
| April 4, 2022On Mic · Jordan Rich with Dr. Barry Taylor Dr. Barry Taylor, ND is a naturopathic healer of the first order. Over many decades he has helped thousands with his “Love Your Body” program, a well balanced approached to healing and achieving vibrant health. His new book tells the story in depth We will talk with him about “Love Your Body: Your Path to Transformation, Health and Healing.” For those who are tired of merely treating symptoms or putting up with disease, Dr. Taylor offers healthy, science-based alternatives to healing.
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