“Dr. Barry Taylor is able to assess and care for people masterfully. He can tune into a patient’s needs, and accurately and lovingly support them to live a better life with much greater health.
I have referred numerous patients to him that he has been able to help in ways that traditional approaches could not. Even among alternative care givers, Dr. Barry Taylor is in a class by himself.
He is a brilliant healer. His loving compassion is able to support people to discover what is important for profound healing.”
Peter Kevorkian, Chiropractor
I have worked with Dr. Taylor since 1984 when he first helped me, as a mom, make better food choices for my young son who had a problem with food sensitivities. I have benefited from personal coaching on nutrition and group programs which have brought me higher levels of health and wellness. The “Love Your Body Program” cuts across all levels of the human person – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. As a participant in these programs I have realized much growth on all levels focusing on food to improve my nutritional health.”
Brenda A. Rogers, Nurse Practictioner, RNP, CS

“Almost 20 years ago I had a bronchitis that I couldn’t get shake. Over the course of three months, I saw several doctors, had many tests and took all kinds of antibiotics. I was living on NyQuil and aspirin. Nothing helped. A friend suggested I see Dr. Taylor which I did. Dr. Taylor changed my diet and gave me some supplements and homeopathics. In three days I was 90% better. In a week the bronchitis was completely gone. Within three weeks, I felt like a new person. I had not experienced such a feeling of wellbeing in my adult life. Needless to say, I was hooked on naturopathic care! I have been a patient of Dr. Taylor’s ever since. Working with him has transformed my life. Throughout my twenties, thirties and into my forties, I struggled with many ailments, including colds, flu, urinary tract infections and cancer. For the last twenty years I have enjoyed a level of good health that I never imagined was possible. For this I am very grateful.”
Joan Green, Lawyer
“Dr. Barry helped me heal through a life threatening metal poisoning situation. He was able to decipher the problem and take action steps that ultimately led to a full recovery. I am grateful for his expertise and excellence as a Naturopathic Physician. Dr. Patti Giuliano, Chiropractor
My asthma was so bad that I was using inhaled steroids to control it. My gall bladder was regularly screaming at me. I knew I needed the support of a LYB group/buddy to make the necessary dietary and lifestyle changes (I hadn’t done a LYB in 15 years!). Between LYB and Barry’s targeted support and coaching, I was off the steroids in 6 months and my gall bladder and digestion was happy again.”
Eileen Daily, College Religion Professor

“I took the Love Your Body program in the Spring of 2009 and it is still having a powerful impact on my life physically, spiritually, and mentally. I am a former P.E. teacher and current ski instructor and I am very athletic and physically active. The results of learning how to cleanse and detox my body and eat more healthy during my LOVE YOUR BODY program have lasted in the last year and a half. For over 40 years, I was a constant 185 lbs, and I never thought I would lose 10 lbs and maintain 175 lbs and feel so much more energy. Spiritually, I deeply connected to how life is designed to love one another and how hard it is for us to learn and share this. I also enjoyed connecting with a form of meditation that works for me and I continue to be open to learn about healing in ways I was not before getting coached by Dr. Taylor. I am thankful for and highly recommend Dr. Taylor’s Love Your Body Program.”
Jack Rothschild, MBA, P.E. Athletic Director, PSIA Ski Instructor
“I started working with Dr. Taylor 6 months ago with a history of being very winded from chronic lung infections needing continual antibiotics that left my body swollen and bloated. After different supplements suggestions, eating healthier foods, I lost over 40 lbs ( the least I have weighed in the last 25 years). I am thoroughly enjoying feeling great and exercising regularly. I have much more joint flexibility. I know that Dr. Taylor’s counsel answered my questions and his supportive guidance gave me results I did not really think was possible. I am going into this colder winter season trusting my stronger body. I feel better than I have in many, many years.”
Alan McDonough,
CEO, and Founder of both Eastern Mountain Sports and The Rugged Bear.
“I thought the Electro Dermal Screening machine Dr. Taylor uses for evaluation was very informative, and gave me clarity as to why my body wasn’t functioning at optimal health. Now, I have a clear path, which I’m following, and as result my health is greatly improved.”
Katrina Tse, Consultant, Australia
I have been working with Dr. Barry for over 25 years about my health issues related to type 2 diabetes and Attention Deficit Disorder. My concentration, mental clarity and sugar cravings have improved in wonderful ways. He always has a helpful, fresh perspective which I depend on and value highly.
Iana Strominger, Homemaker-Mother-Knitter-Painter