Love Your Body Workshop

Upcoming Workshops

Dr. Barry Taylor designed the first LOVE YOUR BODY program in 1981. Since then, over fifteen thousand participants have successfully completed this workshop that transforms your relationship to your body by consciously addressing food, exercise, meditation, and body image.

Before attending your Love Your Body program, please complete the following questionnaire:
Love Your Body Workshop Questionnaire.

You may complete the form online at the above address. Once it’s complete, it will be emailed to you and to Dr. Barry for review. You may also print it out and hand it in before the program begins.

During this 21- day program (4 evenings over 3 weeks), you will explore:

  • Optimizing your energy
  • Creating a relationship with food that supports healthier choices for eating and easier physical functioning
  • Learning stress management strategies to feel more calm and relaxed
  • Detoxifying and cleansing for reducing disease processes and inflammatory states
  • Establishing a powerful partnership with your physical body to be more effective mentally and emotionally
  • Distinguishing what encourages healing and what blocks healing
  • Exercising for health
  • Meditating for creativity and learning about mind mapping and manifesting your intentions.

The purpose of the LOVE YOUR BODY Program is to experience yourself outside your usual limits. The environment of the sessions includes you being part of a healing circle that is committed to deepening your connection to the source of your vitality, aliveness, and healing.

Through Dr. Taylor’s guidance, group interaction, discussions, music, readings, meditations and visualizations, movement and video, you will learn how to access what is possible regarding healing and nurturing your body physically and mentally.

People report significant improvements to the areas of:

  • Quality of sleep
  • Stamina and increased energy
  • Better digestion
  • Feeling more centered, calm, and peaceful
  • Immune function that result in decreased allergies and chronic infections
  • More even moods, i.e. less depression and anxiety
  • Better mental focus with better concentration and memory
  • Joint flexibility and less physical pain
  • Smoother, softer skin, ie less symptoms of aging
  • Knowing how establish healthy habits in the face of long term negative patterns
  • Knowing how to sustain healthy weight loss
  • Your capacity to be disciplined, loving, compassionate and clear about being on your life path and fulfilling your destiny and life purpose